Our Story

The Vaughn-Thomas Borum Teen Counseling Fund was inspired by the life and struggles of our vibrant, healthy 17-year-old son who was a victim of fentanyl poisoning. Seeking ways to cope with the stressors of teenage life, Vaughn-Thomas had begun to experiment with pills. When this came to our attention in late summer of 2021, we began seeking help for him. After being unable to find immediate, suitable counseling, we found ourselves in the emergency room at a very reputable, local children’s hospital, hoping to get support for Vaughn-Thomas’ emotional distress. We were told to wait, and he would be evaluated by a psychiatrist. After 7 hours of waiting, we were then told that we were not going to be seen after all and that this seemed to be a dispute between the child and parents. They discharged us with orders to follow up with our physician. By late November, we found some help. Vaughn-Thomas spent a week at a Behavioral Health clinic where we worked with specialists and figured out next steps. He was discharged on November 24th and was scheduled to start an intensive outpatient treatment program on Dec 7th. This was not soon enough. The morning of Dec 2nd we woke up, but Vaughn-Thomas didn’t. The cause: Fentanyl poisoning.

Early intervention could have made a difference. And while I can’t do anything to save Vaughn-Thomas now, maybe he can save someone else. This is not just my desire; it is also Vaughn-Thomas’. On the way home from school drop-off the month after he died, I was missing Vaughn-Thomas. Desperate to talk to him, I asked for a sign. Within moments, I was passing by a literal sign in front of a church. The billboard read “John 15:13”. “ Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” In that moment, I promised Vaughn-Thomas that his message was heard and that by his death, others would live. That promise drives the mission of the Vaughn-Thomas Borum Foundation: “Providing counseling resources, including financial support, for teens struggling to find healthy ways to cope, regardless of ability to pay." Through partnerships with practitioners and your generous donations, we are able to provide financial assistance for counseling services to adolescents throughout the Middle Tennessee area. I can think of no better way for Vaughn-Thomas to live on. As his friends would say, “LLVT” (Long Live Vaughn-Thomas!) And to Coach Rucker, you are right. Vaughn-Thomas is a hero.